Daily Delight

When we genuinely love someone, we're always thinking the best of them, speaking the best of them, and hoping the best for them. Even when we have to confront a loved one or discipline our children, we still do so with kindness and gentleness because of our love for them. This may be difficult, especially when we're frustrated, upset, hurt, or tired, but it's still so crucial to show kindness to those we love.It’s also just as crucial that we show kindness toward strangers. In fact, sometimes, it can be easier to show kindness to a stranger that we'll never see again, or to commit a random act of kindness for a group of people we don’t know, than to do one small thing for those who are around us everyday.While it can be so challenging to show kindness to those closest to us, to love them day in and day out with gentleness and compassion, that's exactly what we're called to do as children of a kind, loving, and compassionate God.How can you show a little extra kindness to a loved one today? (Yes, even the loved one who gets on your nerves or who doesn’t return your kindness. Yep, that loved one!) If you’re having a hard time motivating yourself to do it, start by praying over that person. (It’s always difficult to be unloving or unkind toward someone you’re praying for!) Ask God what they need and how HE wants to show His love and compassion toward that person through you. 

About the Author

Abigail Folds

Abigail is an internationally trained and qualified life coach on a mission to encourage and inspire women to live the lives they’re being called to live.  I believe we are each on this earth for a reason, and I LOVE helping other women realize and own that truth so that they can reach their God-given potential in all areas of life.You can find her website here and Instagram here.


Daily Delight


Daily Delight