Daily Delight

As I’m writing this, our entire state is preparing for the arrival of a category 4 hurricane - a major, and potentially devastating storm. When these words get published, we will know the extent of the damage our islands received. We will know whether the path of the storm veered to the west as we had hoped, or to the east as we had feared. We will be breathing a sigh of relief, or cleaning up in the aftermath. But as of right now… We. Don’t. Know.But what I do know is that hurricanes are not the only times in our life we feel this uncertainty. These are not the only times of worry, doubt, and fear. These are not the only times of waiting for the unknown.Some of us are waiting for a diagnosis. Some of us are waiting on a job interview. Some of us are waiting for those pink lines to show up. Some of us are waiting to see if treatments are working. Some of us are waiting on a loved one. Some of us are waiting for a friend. Some of us are waiting for a storm.This. This is the time the enemy waits for. Hurling anxiety. Throwing down fear. Reminding us of past hurts. Desperately trying to peel us away from the arms of the One who comforts, the One who holds our peace, the One who rescues. Don’t let him.In these times of uncertainty, KNOW that God holds you. He will never leave you nor forsake you; and KNOW that He is working on you as we speak - building your character, maturing the fruits of your spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, and self control.As we face the challenges in our lives, let us focus not on the bad or the “what ifs,” for those things are not in our control. Let us instead prepare our hearts for what is to come. Let us continue to praise Him in faith and thanksgiving, pray fervently for our requests, and focus everything else on the fruit He’s maturing.

“…For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” -2 Timothy 1:7 (ESV)

May the peace of our God be with you today, and always. 

About the Author

Jennifer Tanaka

Jenn is currently enjoying navigating the path as a mom of three with her husband of fifteen years. Born and raised in Honolulu, HI, she still resides in her home state, discovering and sharing the beauty of her Heavenly Father through writing and photography.
In the last two years, Jenn has been following her calling to write for women who, like her, are yearning to draw closer to Jesus. Leaving her full-time position in education, she now enjoys spending more time with her family and serving the women in her local and online communities.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight