Daily Delight

Since when did we stop fighting for each other? I want to know when we decided it was okay to shrink from helping someone just because they are different, difficult or distant. We are called to be examples of Christ and it's time we start doing that by loving others.It's funny that when we attempt to step into someone’s vulnerability we become vulnerable ourselves. Oh, how we hate to be vulnerable and exposed; to step out and extend our hearts. This is difficult because they may except it or they may reject it. Or worse, they may hurl insults at your efforts.Let me make something very clear; what doors God opens, what He allows to happen in a situation, whatever He decides the outcome will be...that is none of your business. Your business is remaining a tool in the hand of the Most High. If someone's battle is brought to you and you choose to stand on the sideline or walk away, then you are now equally as responsible as the antagonist. We get so concerned about "that's not our place" and "I don't want to get in the middle."The truth is, you don't get a choice. If God has brought you to that situation, then you just got put in the middle. Pray about what you can do. Can you talk with them? Give them the gift of your time? Maybe they just need someone to cry to. Does it need to be taken to a higher authority? How can you come alongside one another and fight for each other's hearts even when it's hard?When we stand and fight for each other we allow God to work through that in mighty ways. Fighting for one another's hearts not only makes a difference in their lives but grows you as well. You could be a hand of healing from the Most High Himself. You are a fighter for the Holy One. Don't allow yourself or anyone else to be isolated when facing a trial.

"...but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also the interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus." Philippians 2:3-5 (NIV)


About the Author

Kelsey Huff

Kelsey is an overly-extroverted 23 year old writer, traveler and lover of Jesus. She lives full time in a converted van and travels with her husband and adventure pup. Her husband, Josiah, is a web developer and Kelsey maintains a faith based blog: www.rootedinreality.net
Kelsey has a passion for sharing the word of God and firing others up in their faith. She hopes to continue writing full time and loves speaking with other women about the mighty work and healing He can do in our lives. She wants to set others ablaze with passion and excitement for their faith.
In her free time Kelsey loves to hike, read and come up with strange and healthy recipes. She has a deep love for her Savior, people and the outdoors.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight