Daily Delight

It is my favorite time of year. When the leaves are changing, the air is cooling, the shadows are growing long, and everyone wants their pumpkin spice everything. It’s when we pull out our boots and sweaters, and decor turns to colors of burnt orange and browns. It’s harvest time. The trees and crops that seeded in the spring will give over their fruit for our consumption. And with the passing from one season to another, from everything green and growing to now withering and dying, we are reminded that this life is full of transitions and seasons. Honestly, it sounds lovely and dreadful all at the same time. I totally wish that I could trust God with my life transitions, and not be so hesitant to step into the next season. But I really don’t.How is it that I completely embrace the coziness of autumn, when really everything around me is actually dying? How is it that I can trust summer will ever come again? And the once welcomed sweater - I will happily peel off, pack it away and get my shorts and flip flops out again. And yet, I can’t seem to trust God the same way with my life, and l go kicking and screaming, until I finally submit to the fact that He is good and what He is doing in my life is good.Just like a season change, we aren’t meant to stay the same forever. There are things in our lives that must die for God to do a new thing in us. For new seeds to be planted and grown. It’s a cycle that God demonstrated in nature. So, I’m learning to trust Him with transitions. He promises new things and those only happen in new seasons. I am learning to cozy up with Him more than I cozy up to seasons. Ultimately, I should be excited when a change in season comes. It’s me moving closer to Him and taking on more of His gracious and loving character.

So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.”                      -2 Corinthians 3:18 (TPT)


About the Author

Theresa Fenton

Currently living in Southern IL, Theresa was raised in the beautiful Berkshires of Massachusetts, and met her husband Kyle 24 years ago. They have two grown children – Abigail & Michael – both away at college and living their dreams. It’s been said that Theresa likes to “make all things pretty,” and that includes the words she puts on paper and her blog.

Theresa loves spending her time fixing up and decorating homes, cooking, meeting new friends, influencing the world around her with hope and faith and ultimately – to love God and love people a whole bunch!

You can find Theresa on Instagram here and her blog here.



Daily Delight


Daily Delight