Daily Delight

You do realize that you belong to a God that has no rival, right? He doesn’t even have an equal. He cannot be overthrown and He loves you. What are you so afraid of?Quit looking at your situation. Quit looking at things gone wrong. Quit looking at your failed projects. Quit looking at people’s opinions of you. Quit making it about you because you are only going to hear a critical whisper about why you can’t, why you shouldn’t, or why it hasn’t happened yet and none of those things are more valid than you belonging to a God without rival that is working vigorously on your behalf. Before you can fully step into position, it's absolutely crucial that you understand to Whom you belong. Only when you understand that can you operate with the maximum amount of faith humanly possible, and can I just be honest with you? The maximum amount humanly possible is not that much (thank God that's why we only need faith the size of a mustard seed) and it’s because we are human. We’ve been hurt. We get hurt. We don't experience unconditional love. Even those who love us most have hurt us or misunderstood us and sometimes those are the afflictions that hurt the worst, but let me remind you of God's love. It is absolutely unfailing. I feel like sometimes we forget just who God is. He’s not a part-time God.Do not let the hurt that the world brings you or what people do to you determine your perception of His love for you. The world is the world. God is God.Where we live is defective and we are too frail to endure it, but it is in our weakness that He is made strong and that is because in our weakness we lack control and where we lack control, God has full mobility. We have to learn to surrender it. But here’s the thing, you’re not surrendering it and just hoping it goes well, you’re surrendering it to a fully capable God. 

About the Author

Michaelyn Modglin

Michaelyn is a bubbly and energetic 23-year-old completely sold out on all things Jesus. She is passionate about women, learning more about the call God's placed on her life and expanding the Kingdom of Heaven.
Michaelyn is a recent graduate of Murray State University and is the project coordinator at a nonprofit behavioral health organization in Southern Illinois.
Michaelyn loves spending time with family, friends and Jesus. During her alone time, she can be found cuddled up with her pup, a cup of coffee and probably writing.



Daily Delight


Daily Delight