Daily Delight

Maybe I was just naïve thinking that life would never feel this dark. How can I be so anxious when God has given me so many promises to hold onto? What happens when the words that are supposed to sustain me feel so void and empty? The tears flow down my face as I write this, asking God that I'd be able to give women a whole-hearted answer of confidence and hope. Yet I know how physically hard it can be to trust, I've tasted how spiritually difficult it can be to believe, and I've had the nauseating feeling of looking at your tomorrow and being terrified of just how dark the darkness will be that day.God showed me that the root of my anxiety has been the fear that He'll leave me incomplete. I look at my life right now and it appears impossible given my circumstances that I'll make it to the next stage. So I open my Bible and read, "But He is unchangeable, and who can turn Him back? What He desires, that He does. For He will complete what He appoints for me, and many such things are in His mind" (Job 23:13-14, ESV). Somewhere in those words, by the grace of God and the Spirit within me, I find this inkling of peace start spreading through my soul.My sweet sister in Christ, despite the numbness you feel, despite the ache in your heart, despite the feeling that you're stuck in your situation and alone to walk through it, you are not without hope. You are allowed to feel every single emotion and doubt, but you must lay it down at the feet of Jesus. When we're anxious, our faith doesn't let us stop there.I cry out in every ounce of my pain, and God answers exactly how I need. Sometimes it's with small glimpses of hope, other times it's with scripture. But at the very least, He gives me enough strength to wake up the next morning and keep hoping and praying. At the very least He sees me through each tomorrow. I have to trust that the small moments of peace ultimately outweigh the greater moments of fear. I have to trust that He'll complete what He appoints for me. 

About the Author

Oliveah Friesen

Oliveah is 21 years old and lives in Ontario, Canada. She loves her relatively small-town life but also has dreams to move to the big city (Toronto)! She recently graduated with her degree in Public Relations, and while she seeks out her next steps she is pursuing her love of writing and branding through various projects.Oliveah is wildly passionate about sharing her faith and journey through life in an authentic and tangibly real way. Her motto is "keepin' it real" and her desire is to encourage women to find freedom from comparison and instead, embrace their identity as Daughters of the King.In her free time, she loves to read, refinish furniture, dance around the house while making mac & cheese, adventure with friends, and of course, write out her heart in Starbucks while sipping a delicious London Fog.You can find her on Instagram here and read more of her heart here.


Daily Delight


Daily Delight