Daily Delight

My pastor recently instructed us to ask God, “Where am I blind in my life that I may see?” And who knows – when you ask – God will answer.God reminded me of a quiz I took when I was in the 5th grade. On the top of the quiz, I saw my name “Theresa,” and then I saw myself erasing my name. I could recall every detail of that moment – like it happened yesterday.The teacher handed out the quiz. There were 12 questions. #1 – “Read through all the instructions first and follow the directions.” I read through them and got to #12. It said – “Write your name at the top of the paper and do nothing else.” So, I did. I wrote my name at the top of the paper and put my pencil down. I was finished. And then all over the room – the “smarter kids” started saying their names out loud and drawing shapes. No one else had put their pencil down. So – I erased my name and started doing #2-11. Even though I knew it was wrong. All these years later, God reminded me that I had the right answer. That my name at the top of the paper was the right answer. But because I was so concerned about what others thought, and too concerned that I’d give the wrong answer – I erased my name. I erased the right answer and failed the quiz.He reminded me that He made – “Theresa” – an answer. There are people who I will encounter in life that need me and what’s on the inside of me. God made each of us an answer for someone else. But when we erase ourselves as an answer – we eliminate ourselves from God’s plan and our purpose. Repent much? Seriously! And now I’m asking – how do I reset my life like my name never got erased? Have you ever asked God – “Where am I blind in my life that God wants me to see?” It’s possible it will change your life forever! Do it! I dare you!

"Every believer has received grace gifts, so use them to serve one another as faithful stewards of the many-colored tapestry of God’s grace. . .So that in everything God alone will be glorified through Jesus Christ." -1 Peter 4:10-11 (TPT)

About the Author

Theresa Fenton

Currently living in Southern IL, Theresa was raised in the beautiful Berkshires of Massachusetts, and met her husband Kyle 24 years ago. They have two grown children – Abigail & Michael – both away at college and living their dreams. It’s been said that Theresa likes to “make all things pretty,” and that includes the words she puts on paper and her blog.

Theresa loves spending her time fixing up and decorating homes, cooking, meeting new friends, influencing the world around her with hope and faith and ultimately – to love God and love people a whole bunch!

You can find Theresa on Instagram here and her blog here.



Daily Delight


Daily Delight