Daily Delight

A few years back I read this awesome book called “Addicted to Busy” by Brady Boyd and it has quite literally revolutionized the way that we do Sabbath in our home. I love how he presents God’s heart for Sabbath. I truly believe that God has designed Sabbath to be a blessing to us and it would behoove us to consistently make margin for Sabbath in our lives. Not in an “if you break this law you are doomed” kind of a way, but in a “God gave us the gift of Sabbath to remind us of His goodness and provision, to invite us into His rest kind of way.”Oddly enough, Saturdays are typically our Sabbath. Not because our church has service on Saturdays. Quite the contrary. But because we get to serve at church on Sunday, it is not a cessation from work kind of day. You know what we have found since embracing a Sabbath (or at least half a day Sabbath)? We have room for our souls to breathe. We are more receptive to the life-giving message at church the next day. We have room to dream. We are more trusting in God’s provision and feel less like we have to hustle to make it happen. We are learning to rest.Here is the cool thing about Sabbath though, it doesn’t have to look like sitting on your duff for 24 hours straight. It looks like taking extra time to connect with and worship our Father and doing the things that bring us life. Our Sabbaths often include a workout because we enjoy that. I often take extra time when exercising my barrel horses because I enjoy that. We’ll watch movies, play games, call friends, watch action flicks.

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” -Matthew 11:18 (NIV)

Maybe it’s time to take Jesus up on his offer of rest. I promise you that your soul will thank you. 

About the Author

Faith Hanan

Faith Hanan is a fierce and fun-loving Jesus follower passionate about seeing Christians live wild and free. She and her husband, Nate, started thewildandfree.org where they help people live passionately and healthy while pursuing their God-given purpose.Faith is always down for a good cup of coffee and heart-to-heart or dance party. In addition to writing, leading worship, and raising a tiny human, Faith loves to compete in barrel races, hike, camp, workout, play in the dirt, and dabble in professional photography (and did we mention, NOT cook).You can connect with Faith and her shenanigans on Instagram here and at www.thewildandfree.org


Daily Delight


Daily Delight