Daily Delight

Tears filled my eyes. Anger consumed me. It pulsated through me, matching the quickening of my heart. Confusion flooded my mind. “How could she?! Why would she?! Calls herself my ‘friend.’ Through all the noise I heard, “You’ve gotta forgive her.” Knowing He was right, I threw a tantrum. “God, no! I’ll NEVER forgive her.” I flailed around trying to gain control. "God, are you behind this?! Is this your plan?!” My anger repositioned. “I thought you were on my side!” I laid limp, defeated. “I am on your side,” He said. “I’m always on your side, but just because I’m on your side doesn’t mean I’m against her and if you let Me help, you won’t be either.”I found myself fighting a battle that I didn’t pick, one where I was hurt and not as a result of retaliation. So, I saw myself as a victim, nothing to apologize for. I almost wished there were so I could make motion to rebuild and mend, but I was hurt and tossed to the side.After the anger hushed, sadness invaded and consumed. I clung to my victim-minded pride. “I’ll show them,” and the silent treatment became my war cry, and I cried loud, cutting off everyone around me.Friends, let me tell you what I’ve learned about forgiveness; the painful prison of harboring offense and the rewarding road to forgiveness.When you choose to harbor offense, you are the only person suffering, and you cannot grow with God until you let go of the hurt. You can reach for nothing new if your hands are full, carrying the baggage Jesus already said He’d carry for you. Take your focus off that problem and focus on the Solution. Refuse to miss what God has for you because you’re distracted by your offenses. It is only a detriment to you.Become partners with Christ in letting someone stab you in the side, place a crown of thorns on your head, turn around and love them. React based on their heart, not their actions.Because when it comes down to it… they did not do worse to you than they did to Jesus, and Jesus forgave them. 

About the Author

Michaelyn Modglin

Michaelyn is a bubbly and energetic 23-year-old completely sold out on all things Jesus. She is passionate about women, learning more about the call God's placed on her life and expanding the Kingdom of Heaven.
Michaelyn is a recent graduate of Murray State University and is the project coordinator at a nonprofit behavioral health organization in Southern Illinois.
Michaelyn loves spending time with family, friends and Jesus. During her alone time, she can be found cuddled up with her pup, a cup of coffee and probably writing.



Daily Delight


Daily Delight