Daily Delight


And He was also telling them a parable: 'No one tears a piece of cloth from a new garment and puts it on an old garment; otherwise he will both tear the new, and the piece from the new will not match the old.’” – Luke 5:36 (NIV)

Where you’re going cannot coexist with where you’ve been. In order to get to your next level, you have to leave the old one. That means leaving the shame, the guilt, the embarrassment, the rejection, the habitual sin, and the toxicity behind to drown in perfect love.Jesus did not go to the cross so you could continue living with regret, guilt, shame or any mental captivity. He went to the cross so you could walk away from all that. He went to the cross and when He went, He took all of those things with Him!You will never get the fullness of the blessing on your life that you’re supposed to until you take all that extra baggage off you.Every step you take, you will be weighed down, you will be held back because of “that one time you screwed up,” or “that one time things didn’t work out.” But sister, you have been called to live in freedom and you cannot do that while strapped down to your past.You may not have control over your situation, but you do have control over the atmosphere you allow to be cultivated there. Let God’s love consume all areas and change the atmosphere, not the situation.In the same way, you can’t always control the things that come into your mind, but you can change the channel. Every time you are reminded of a time where you were inadequate or your projects were insufficient, switch the channel and reject those thoughts and let God’s peace consume your drench your mind. Take those worries and literally remove them and place them on the truth of God.More than likely, these recollections of inadequacy are Satan’s way of keeping you from moving forward and prospering in the plan that God has for you.So, in switching the channel back to glorifying God, Satan is going to realize he cannot win with you because even when he throws a brick at you, you’re using it to build.This next level is yours to go to, don’t let any distraction or doubt rob you of it. 

About the Author

Michaelyn Modglin

Michaelyn is a bubbly and energetic 23-year-old completely sold out on all things Jesus. She is passionate about women, learning more about the call God's placed on her life and expanding the Kingdom of Heaven.
Michaelyn is a recent graduate of Murray State University and is the project coordinator at a nonprofit behavioral health organization in Southern Illinois.
Michaelyn loves spending time with family, friends and Jesus. During her alone time, she can be found cuddled up with her pup, a cup of coffee and probably writing.



Daily Delight


Daily Delight