In the past two weeks, I've seen my days go from open and loose routines to being away from home for 13 hours. My time spent not driving, on the train, or at work is minimal - which means that I've been challenged with the task of being extremely intentional with my free time. I initially started to feel guilty that I wouldn't have the same amount of time to be in God's Word, which immediately added a sense of stress to an already crazy schedule and adjustment period.I heard someone say that even if you pick one verse, spend five minutes reading it, and then meditate on it throughout the day - that is significant. Through that, I was reminded that reading the Bible is not legitimized by a time requirement. A verse in Matthew speaks to the power of God's Word. It says, "...Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God" (Matthew 4:4b, ESV).God's Word nourishes us in a richly deep way that goes beyond anything else (even food), and the quality and sustainability of our lives is dependent on it.I believed the lie that I think a lot of us do, that being a "good Christian" is justified by our Bible-reading hours. While our love for God should drive us to immerse ourselves in His Word, there is so much more to our Savior than our 30 minute devotionals. That set aside time with Him is important, but I have also had sweet time with Him listening to worship music on my morning commutes and powerful prayer time on the train.I've often learned so much more about one verse in the Bible by reflecting on it for a whole week, then spending one hour reading three chapters.
So sister, whether you have five minutes or five hours, you can honor God with it. When our days are full, we can thread worship, prayer, and conversation with God throughout it regardless. And if you ask me, that reveals His divinity and majesty in an incredibly sacred way that we don't want to miss.
About the Author
Oliveah is 21 years old and lives in Ontario, Canada. She loves her relatively small-town life but also has dreams to move to the big city (Toronto)! She recently graduated with her degree in Public Relations, and while she seeks out her next steps she is pursuing her love of writing and branding through various projects.Oliveah is wildly passionate about sharing her faith and journey through life in an authentic and tangibly real way. Her motto is "keepin' it real" and her desire is to encourage women to find freedom from comparison and instead, embrace their identity as Daughters of the King.In her free time, she loves to read, refinish furniture, dance around the house while making mac & cheese, adventure with friends, and of course, write out her heart in Starbucks while sipping a delicious London Fog.You can find her on Instagram here and read more of her heart here.