Daily Delight

This may be an unpopular opinion — but I’m here for it because I just kind of feel like Jesus wants you to know it.You are not defined by your Myers-Briggs. Or your StrengthsFinder. Or — and don’t hate me, please! — your Enneagram.You do not boil down to a number or any compilation of letters or nouns that describe who you are and what your tendencies are. You are not explained by what some book or system or quiz says.No.You? You are a daughter of the Most High King.And you? You are who He says you are.He alone created you and He alone gets to defined you. Is it healthy to be informed on some of the ways He made you uniquely you? Yes ! But when we start living in response to results of a test — we are missing the boat on who He called us to be.Our God orchestrated all the fibers of your physical being into the exact woman you are today.Maybe He created you equal parts sweet and equal parts sassy.Maybe He infused you with a little bit of warrior and a little bit of nurturer, too.Maybe He stitched you together with the love of being surrounded by people and the need to retreat in quiet. I don’t think He created us to search far and wide for the magic answer as to who we are. Scripture tells us that we (humans) are the pinnacle of God’s creation — created in His image and bearing His light to the world. And when I think of the image of God? When I think of the ways I reflect Him? I just don’t think of ENFJ or 3w4 or “Activator.” I think of the definition of love (1 Corinthians 13:4-8) and how we are told God Himself is love. Of the explanation of the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) and how that’s evidence of the Holy Spirit in us. Of all the ways we could possibly reflect God — and I just can’t put a label on it.Our God? He’s infinite and complex; full of mystery and wonder.And us? I like to think we are at least a little bit of the same.

"Then God said, 'Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,\ and over all the creatures that move along the ground.'

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." -Genesis 1:26-27 (NIV)

About the Author

Diana Carter is a writer and teacher enamored by the vision of a generation of women boldly embracing their Biblical identities. She spends her weeks as a Communications Director at a large multi-site church in Charlotte, NC where she lives with her husband, Tyler.Diana founded Because I’m His, an online community committed to equipping women in their true identities, in 2016. In between all of the serious stuff, you can usually find her with Tyler: shamelessly binge-watching Bravo! or brewery hopping with friends.You can connect with Diana on Instagram here and follow along with the Because I'm His tribe here.


Daily Delight


Daily Delight