Daily Delight

I used to think that going out and swing dancing until two in the morning was a grand ol' time. It was innocent fun. I never drank, didn’t go home with a guy or make-out with random dudes. I just really liked to go and dance. More than once, I drove 6 hours to go hang out with my best gal pals and go dancing. But now the idea of hanging out in a smoke-filled room with a bunch of drunk people is far from appealing. I would rather #netflixandchill with my hubby and babe. What once was “glorious” no longer holds any appeal.That’s the funny thing about growth. The things we once prized grow dim in their appeal.Although Paul was talking about the difference between the new covenant glory and the old covenant glory in 2 Corinthians 3, I cannot help but see parallels between my former love of nightclub swing dancing and my preference to #netflixandchill these days.

What once was glorious no longer holds any glory because of the increasingly greater glory that has replaced it. The fading ministry came with a portion of glory, but now we embrace the unfading ministry of a permanent impartation of glory.” -2 Corinthians 3:10-11

I have found that the more and more I know Christ, the more I behold His glory, the less appeal anything earthly has. As we grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ, we should transform outwardly, we should care more about what the Father thinks and less about what the world says. We should go from glory to glory to glory. I know that following Jesus may mean we have to “give up” some stuff, but can I tell you a secret?

Jesus is worth it.

Whatever the cost, Jesus is worth it.


About the Author

Faith Hanan

Faith Hanan is a fierce and fun-loving Jesus follower passionate about seeing Christians live wild and free. She and her husband, Nate, started thewildandfree.org where they help people live passionately and healthy while pursuing their God-given purpose.Faith is always down for a good cup of coffee and heart-to-heart or dance party. In addition to writing, leading worship, and raising a tiny human, Faith loves to compete in barrel races, hike, camp, workout, play in the dirt, and dabble in professional photography (and did we mention, NOT cook).You can connect with Faith and her shenanigans on Instagram here and at www.thewildandfree.org


Daughter Dilemmas


Daily Delight