Daily Delight

I am a ‘words of affirmation’ kind of girl. It’s my number one love language. Notes, kind texts, cards...all of them fill me up. But, to what extent?I often feel as though I walk a fine line, having to be careful not to confuse where my value comes from. Yes, ‘atta-girls’ are nice to hear, especially when we have worked hard, but I can’t let those determine my worth or value. I have an unhealthy habit of seeking words of affirmation. This is a new revelation for me.In the past, if I had worked really hard, and my efforts went unnoticed, I would become discontented. Which would completely take away from all the good that came from my hard work. When I reflect on the past, I could see a clear pattern of this, whether it was my teacher, Coach, or Boss, from my early childhood into adulthood. It wasn't until a few years ago, when reading Colossians 3:7, did it dawn on me. I was placing my worth, or value, in the opinions of others. If I didn’t receive acknowledgment, it must have meant I didn’t do a good job.Crazy, I know.However, this was exactly the story I was telling myself. “Work harder, Brooke”. “Be better, Brooke”. “Try harder, Brooke”. I am 100% my own harshest critic. The things I continued to tell myself, I wouldn’t dare have said to another. Why is that? Well, because I was giving people the power to determine my worth and not God. I was working for man, not God.Wow, such a difference in perspective. Why would I let others determine my value when they are flawed too? How ridiculous, right? God gave us gifts so we can use them, to serve Him. Our work is for the Lord and our accomplishments are for His glory! The words of affirmation I now strive for are, “well done, good and faithful servant”. I may not get the words of affirmation while I am here on Earth, but I will get them when I meet my father in Heaven. Everything else is a bonus!

About the Author

Brooke Elia

Brooke is married to her best friend Andrew and resides in Southern California. She is a mom to two incredibly lovable kiddos, one daughter and one son. She is a lawyer by trade and a hippie by passion.She enjoys getting lost in a good book and rotates between faith based, legal fiction, and personal development.In her free time, she enjoys chatting up life with her girlfriends and exploring their many Pinterest projects.As a family they enjoy crafting, traveling, board games, cooking, camping, and serving at their local church.She depends on her faith and lattes to get her through life’s daily demands. She is learning to let go of her “perfectionist" tendencies, and extending more grace to herself and others.You can find her on Instagram here and join the Hippie Lawyer Mom family here.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight