Daily Delight

I pick up an accent ridiculously fast. It’s bad. My brother has made fun of me for it on more than one occasion. Southern accents are the absolute worst. It probably doesn’t help that I am a little southerner at heart, but still.You know what else I pick up quickly? Someone’s attitude. I used to get in trouble when I was a teenager because I would come home from a friend’s house with their attitude. My Mama called me out on it every single time. I pick up what I hang around. And while yours may not be as obvious as an accent or an attitude, I believe that we all absorb or emulate what we surround ourselves with unless we are very guarded from it.You know that whole “bad company corrupts good morals” thing? Well, it’s true. But it can work in reverse too. Good company can promote good morals. Hang around Jesus loving peeps with a great attitude long enough, and you will start to emulate them. Spend time with Jesus Himself and you’ll start to act like Him too.

"And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit."-2 Corinthians 3:18

I truly believe that we need to regularly take inventory of who and what we are allowing to influence us.Is there an account on Instagram that makes you think critical or crabby thoughts? Unfollow.Is there a friend whose sailor mouth makes yours return? Maybe you should have a serious chat with them or stop hanging out so much.The great thing about the free moral agent thing is that we have the opportunity to choose. We get to choose whether we will behold our Savior and therefore reflect His glory. We get to choose what we will value. We get to choose who and what influences us. We get to choose whether we serve Jesus with our whole heart for our whole life.

About the Author

Faith Hanan

Faith Hanan is a fierce and fun-loving Jesus follower passionate about seeing Christians live wild and free. She and her husband, Nate, started thewildandfree.org where they help people live passionately and healthy while pursuing their God-given purpose.Faith is always down for a good cup of coffee and heart-to-heart or dance party. In addition to writing, leading worship, and raising a tiny human, Faith loves to compete in barrel races, hike, camp, workout, play in the dirt, and dabble in professional photography (and did we mention, NOT cook).You can connect with Faith and her shenanigans on Instagram here and at www.thewildandfree.org


Daily Delight


Daily Delight