The past year has been a year of awakening. A time of digging deep into the person God created me to be. Surrender has marked my steps and there are days the work is hard and the way is uncertain.For years, I lulled myself into a place of familiarity to those who were looking from the outside in. But for me, I barely recognized the person I had become. I stepped away so completely from the real ME and instead portrayed myself as having it all together.As a believer, I found myself swirling in the murky waters of “
I’m okay” and “
everything is fine” even when that was far from the truth. It became so comfortable and second nature that I didn’t even notice the moment I lost myself.A year ago, I entered into a community of women whose focus was discipleship. Truth became the norm and it was messy, hard, and exactly what I needed. The lies of who I was began to crumble and the truth of God’s love and grace replaced each broken piece. It was in the process of surrender I learned that the bruises and blemishes that mark the “
real” me were actually beautiful in God’s eyes. He showed me that all I had hidden in the dark was gorgeous in the light.Bringing the brokenness into the light allows healing to begin. The lies no longer have a hold on you because God’s truth is brighter. Exposing your heart leaves you feeling raw and naked, but just as God covered Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, He does the same for you. (Gen. 3:21, NIV)Dear friend, taking the time to surrender and release what you believed the world expected looks like freedom. God replaces your shame with mercy, unworthiness with grace, fear with courage, and guilt with forgiveness.
You are no longer a slave to fear and your identity rests in God, who named you even before you were born. (Is. 49:1, NIV)
"Your eye is like a lamp that provides light for your body. When your eye is healthy, your whole body is filled with light. But when it is unhealthy, your body is filled with darkness." -Luke 11:34 (NIV
Mary Geisen
Mary Geisen is a lover of coffee and deep, soul-filled conversations. She is the mom of two married sons, a retired teacher, writer, author and seeker of grace in the ordinary. Several years ago, God called her to bravely step out by sharing her journey in written form. The power of God’s words has inspired her journey of healing and drawing closer to God through the power of grace. She continues to walk toward brave faith in her everyday life and encourages others to do the same.