Daily Delight

I need one every stinkin’ day.
Why? Because the Gospel — the simple Gospel — is what matters.
The Gospel — the simple Gospel — is the crux of this whole operation, amen?
Here's the Gospel in a few sentences: God is Holy, perfect and righteous. When He made us, we were in perfect union with Him — and this was His full intense. But then Eve ate that apple and sin became a thing that we all deal with. In this moment, we became separated from God. The perfect union was broken because a Holy God cannot be in relationship with unholy people — aka us.
But He loved us. Oh, sister, how He loved us so!
Out of this love — this great, great love — He sent His one and only son Jesus to the cross. Jesus was perfect — just like God — as He was God in human flesh. Jesus willingly went to the cross — fully God and fully man — and the wrath of God that we deserved fell on Him.
This was the only way we had a shot at being made right with God.
And the story doesn’t stop there.
Jesus didn’t just die. He didn’t die and stay dead. No. Jesus rose from the grave. He defeated death — it couldn’t contain Him. He beat sin — it couldn’t keep Him down.
It is this event — this glorious, world-changing event — on which we base our faith and gain our salvation. For those of us who acknowledge this as truth and confess our sins are made 100% right with God.
Right with God. As in, when God looks at us, He sees us through Jesus-colored glasses.
He doesn’t see our mess, He sees our Messiah.⠀
Praise God for our Messiah!
About the Author
Diana Carter is a writer and teacher enamored by the vision of a generation of women boldly embracing their Biblical identities. She spends her weeks as a Communications Director at a large multi-site church in Charlotte, NC where she lives with her husband, Tyler.Diana founded Because I’m His, an online community committed to equipping women in their true identities, in 2016. In between all of the serious stuff, you can usually find her with Tyler: shamelessly binge-watching Bravo! or brewery hopping with friends.You can connect with Diana on Instagram here and follow along with the Because I'm His tribe here.