Daily Delight

I have an ugly habit of dwelling heavily on the past. I can make a simple, insignificant comment and then let it naw on me for weeks! I let it get way out of hand. I tried to set an ant free and accidentally squished him in the process and felt bad about it for weeks. I'm aware that's over the top, but I know we can all relate to this to a degree.It gets especially bad when it comes to sin. I can think back on a sin issue from six years ago and all of a sudden be riddled with shame.As women, we can get so caught up in our past; from our sins to wishing we had worn a different outfit the day before. Like really? We're going to let ourselves be bugged by the choice of outfit yesterday? Yeah, we are.2 Corinthians 7:10 says, "Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death" (NLT).If it's Godly sorrow, it leads to repentance. If you've found salvation in Jesus Christ, you are able to lay your past before the Lord, ask forgiveness and be left with no regrets. Side note to that: make sure you're also inviting the Lord into that sin to bring healing because we know sin can leave us wounded.If you are feeling regret and sorrow over your past even though you've asked God's forgiveness, or if it wasn't even sin (like wearing a certain outfit), know that is not of God.That is worldly sorrow and it leads to death. Our salvation, identity and worth are found in Christ in spite of anything we do...whether it be sin, stupidity or personal preference. When we let our past consume us and distract us, it detracts from what the Lord has for us in this moment.Don't let your past rule you. The Most High beckons for you today. 

About the Author

Kelsey Huff

Kelsey is an overly-extroverted 23 year old writer, traveler and lover of Jesus. She lives full time in a converted van and travels with her husband and adventure pup. Her husband, Josiah, is a web developer and Kelsey maintains a faith based blog: www.rootedinreality.net



Daily Delight


Daughter Dilemmas