Daily Delight

Roller coasters of change seem to be the choice rides of this life. Are you embracing change, riding with arms in the air, thrilled with the experience? Or are you grasping at anything you can hold on to, closing your eyes and praying it comes to a stop quickly? See, despite the roller coaster of change in your life, you can choose how much or how little you enjoy it. Sure, it's daunting. Sure, it may take your breath away...but what a ride! What a thrill! It will eventually come to a stop and you will place your feet firmly on the ground again. Until then, embrace it, enjoy it. Know that the Lord is using the change for your growth, for your good and for His glory.Above all else, trust that He is in control of your coaster. The twists and turns, hills and valleys, He's got you! If you've given your life to Christ, don't think for a second He won't be holding your life dear to His heart, making every experience worthwhile. He has purpose for you and must mold you to get you there.My brother-in-law and his wife live in a great house, have good jobs and just had a baby. In two months, they had to switch jobs, move states and sell their house all without prior planning on their part. I've noticed when we let go and let God, He has a lot more room to work with our needs/desires and cultivate a deep peace within us in the process. In Jeremiah 29:11 our sweet Father says, "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" (NIV). That includes, especially, our roller coasters of change. So, throw your hands up in praise and enjoy the thrill of the ride.

About the Author

Kelsey Huff

Kelsey is an overly-extroverted 23 year old writer, traveler and lover of Jesus. She lives full time in a converted van and travels with her husband and adventure pup. Her husband, Josiah, is a web developer and Kelsey maintains a faith based blog: www.rootedinreality.net



Daily Delight


Daughter Dilemmas