Daily Delight

I recently attended a gathering with some friends and the host's home was truly breathtaking. I thought to myself, "Do they have connections with HGTV?"It seemed like everyone had it all together, from their homemade dishes to their perfectly styled hair. I quickly tore the tag off of the store bought food item I had brought and asked the host for a dish. Then, I made my way to the bathroom, pulled my dry shampoo out of my purse and sprayed my hair and flipped it around like some Pantene commercial. I walked out (a little dizzy from all the hair flipping) and jumped into a conversation with a friend.It was a wonderful evening filled with food, fellowship and prayer. I left feeling good, but the voice of the enemy soon started to whisper lies into my ear. Before I knew it, there was doubt and I was comparing myself to those women.I know who I am and Who I belong to, so there was no room for that in my head. When I returned home, I decided to write myself a letter. It went a little something like this:When I returned home later that evening, I decided to write myself a letter:

Dear me,

Today ends my battle with comparison. Today I stop looking at what others have that I don't, at how clean or organized their home is when I have laundry that still needs folding. I will no longer look at their achievements, their fitness goals or their name brand clothing and compare myself. I will not ponder on what they can do, that in this moment in time I am unable to.

God is working on me at His pace- refining and building my character through whatever He sees fit. I have had struggles and dark days, yet through it all my God has never left my side. A daughter of the Most High, a girl saved by grace, I am His! 

So, goodbye comparison game, I will not be playing anymore.

With my letter in hand, I felt a sense of peace. I grabbed my Bible and read 1 Peter 2:9:

"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light" (NIV).

If you struggle with comparison, consider this:When's the last time you wrote yourself a letter?

About the Author

Heather Koppe

Heather is a 44-year-old brown eyed girl, who is in the pursuit of being an overcomer as she clings to God’s promises. All the while  sharing her stories.Heather is a West Virginia girl, now residing in Matthews, NC with her husband Clint, their two daughters and four cats. She recently started a blog and has spoken on a few occasions at women’s Bible studies sharing her real life struggles and the unwavering love of Jesus. She is passionate about the written word and hopes to encourage those around her daily.  She also works in Property Management.In her rare, but free time you will find her with a book in her purse, and pen and paper in hand. She is living her best life, a kingdom girl, embarking on new adventures with her family...watching movies, and taking way too many pictures. After a long, hard day - you will find her with ice cream and a bath bomb.You can find her on Instagram here. Be sure to join the Daughter of Delight family and check out Heather’s blog, Fearlessly Hopeful, here. 


Daily Delight


Daily Delight