Daily Delight

I felt like I wasted my twenties. Disappointment and heartbreak led to a decade of mistakes, shame and running from God. I was a girl who thought she’d made too many mistakes.

Why would my Heavenly Father give me another chance? Why would He lovingly accept me back into His arms? Why would He bless me after such selfishness?

At my lowest point, on my knees I cried out...

"Help me. Change me. I just want to be near you again."

Friend, God wastes nothing. Nothing.

When I felt the farthest from God, He was right there. When the heavy weight of regret, disappointment, of feeling like I was too far gone had me utterly broken - He was just waiting for me to turn back around. He was there. He had always been there.

The blood of Jesus covers us. Our sins. Our past. In what felt like wasted time was actually God allowing me to discover Him in those moments. To learn from my mistakes, even if it was painful. Taking my imperfect heart and showing me that He can use every mistake, every disappointment, every heartbreak and use it to reshape my heart and my faith. He took what I thought was squandered and allowed me to see Him be magnified through it. This gracious, loving Father took what I thought was wasted and allowed it to make me who I am today - redeemed. I have been redeemed.

You are not wasted, you are not too lost to be found, you are never too far from His reach. Turn around, see the loving arms outstretched to you. Take your mistakes, your shame, your disappointment, take your heartbreak and turn to God. Hold on to it no more. Let His loving redemption receive you, cover you, fill your heart and welcome you to press into Him. He is waiting for you. Woman of God, you have been redeemed.

About the Author

Rebecca Wager

Rebecca is almost 40, loving and living in sunny Arizona. She is married to her best friend Chris and together they have their rainbow baby (now toddler) Charlotte. In addition to chasing her sweet daughter around, she enjoys time with family, pretending she’s on The Great British Baking Show and being outdoors.

She loves diving deeper into religious studies, writing, getting happily lost in a book and can’t get through the day without a large amount of espresso.

Rebecca is passionate about Jesus, reminding women of their worthiness in Christ and desires to see women thrive in their God dreams. You can connect with her on Instagram here and follow along with her blog, For the Worthy Mom, here!


Daily Delight


Daily Delight