Daily Delight

May I pray for you? With a spirit of humility, gratefulness and anticipation, I would like to share what’s on my heart for you.God, our Father, I thank You for such an opportunity to intercede on behalf of my sisters, Your daughters. On behalf of them, I repent for any iniquity, sin or transgression committed against You. Would You close any door that You did not open, where access that was granted, should have been denied. God, create in us a pure heart and right spirit, so that we may be able to stand before You. We repent before You, acknowledging that You demand a standard of righteousness and holiness, because of who You are! I thank You for Your mercy and grace, that keeps and leads us back to You.God, would You rebuke the devourer for their sake, silence the voices of their enemies, bind any spirit that attempts to attack or attach itself to them. Contend with every spirit, that contends with them. Lion of Judah, make Yourself known, as their defender and righteous judge. Holy Spirit of God, intercede on their behalf in the courts of Heaven, and declare them free, all because of the blood of Your son.Jesus, bind their wandering hearts to You, so that they don’t lift their souls to another. “Restore to them the joy of Your salvation, and make them willing to obey You” (Psalm 51:12, NLT). Be a wall of fire all around them! Guard their heart, body, mind and spirit! Lord, I declare, that “from Your glorious, unlimited resources You will empower them with inner strength through Your Spirit. Then Christ will make His home in your hearts as you trust in Him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep His love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God” (Ephesians 3:16-20, NLT).Give them the desires of Your heart, Lord. Cause their will to be yielded to Yours, so that they may walk in oneness with You. Lift up their heads, and dwell richly in them. Oh God, would You make Your daughters just like You. Take delight in them; Your most treasured creation. Wrap them in Your arms, and consume them with Your love! Bless them! Keep them! Sing over them! All this and more, I pray in Jesus’ name.

About the Author

Diamond King

Diamond King, MA, is a Certified Biblical Life Coach with a Master of Arts in Human Services Counseling from Liberty University. Unrelenting, in her passion for helping women propel beyond their challenges, she founded Sip, Savor, Selah, whose mission is "to help women elevate their self-concept with empathy, exaltation and edification one inspirational mug at a time."

Daily Delight


Daily Delight