Daily Delight

Find your focus. These are the words I came across while creating my vision board for 2019. Once I read them, I began to add other words that represented the things I want to really hone in on this year- reading, truth, passion, and profit. While these areas of focus are pleasing and beneficial to me, there is something far more pleasing and beneficial to my (and your) relationship with God. Jesus Christ himself has foretold us that “Not everyone who calls out to me, 'Lord! Lord!' will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Only those who actually do the will of my Father” (Matthew 7:21, NLT).Focus found! Being distracted by the things of the world is another facet of our humanness that we must stay aware of. We must be willing to surrender our humanness to God for refinement.

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.”-Matthew 6:33 (TPT)

As we strive to be persistent in the pursuit of our Father’s will, let us continue to remind ourselves of the truth found in Matthew 6:20-21: “Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be” (NLT). Our natural desires are not for the kingdom of God. Our sinful nature will deliberately fight to keep us in opposition to the will of God concerning ourselves. Our flesh must be put to death and our spirit must be fed by the Spirit of God. All day, everyday.Take a deep look at what you value. Be honest with yourself and commit to modifying or completely changing what those thing are so that you can shift your focus to where it needs to be: on the Divine.Join me in praying for the focus of our hearts on finding the treasures of who God is! He is, afterall, the most invaluable treasure- and the only treasure we truly need.

About the Author

Diamond King

Diamond King, MA, is a Certified Biblical Life Coach with a Master of Arts in Human Services Counseling from Liberty University. Unrelenting, in her passion for helping women propel beyond their challenges, she founded Sip, Savor, Selah, whose mission is "to help women elevate their self-concept with empathy, exaltation and edification one inspirational mug at a time."



Daily Delight


Daily Delight