Daily Delight

 The year was 1991. With the map spread out across the table and his red pencil in hand, my dad began to color in the route that we would be taking on our beach vacation.With my dad behind the wheel and his map in hand, I knew we were well on our way. Whether it was leading a congregation from behind the pulpit or directions on how to get somewhere, he seemed to never waiver. We arrived safely and couldn't wait to hit the waves.On our last night of vacation, my parents decided to stay back at the hotel to rest while everyone else went out.I'll never forget returning to the hotel to hear the words, "Dad had a heart attack." Everything else became a blur as soon as the reality of her words hit me. I cried the entire way to the hospital.Upon arrival, thanks be to God, I received the good news that my dad was in stable condition.I also learned that our vacation would need to be extended, as his body and heart would not be able to handle the long car ride home. The next day, my mom called the front desk in hopes that we could stay in our room another week, but they were all booked up. She called every hotel in the city and no one had any vacancies. "What are we going to do?" I asked.I will never forget what she said next: "The Lord will provide." My mother answered in a voice with complete and total confidence in Him. Not another word was spoken as we sat there silently praying. Then, the phone rang. It was the front desk. They called to inform us that they had just received a cancellation. All we would have to do is switch rooms.Relief and tears of joy fell from my eyes. My mom just smiled, thanking and praising God for His generosity.God supplied our needs on that vacation. Needs we didn't even know we would have! He gifted us with a place to stay while my dad's heart healed, and instilled within me a confidence in Him that would grow for years to come.Do you have a need? If so, place your trust in the One Most High to meet it!

"And my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus." -Philippians 4:19 (NIV)

About the Author

Heather Koppe

Heather is a 44-year-old brown eyed girl, who is in the pursuit of being an overcomer as she clings to God’s promises. All the while  sharing her stories.Heather is a West Virginia girl, now residing in Matthews, NC with her husband Clint, their two daughters and four cats. She recently started a blog and has spoken on a few occasions at women’s Bible studies sharing her real life struggles and the unwavering love of Jesus. She is passionate about the written word and hopes to encourage those around her daily.  She also works in Property Management.In her rare, but free time you will find her with a book in her purse, and pen and paper in hand. She is living her best life, a kingdom girl, embarking on new adventures with her family...watching movies, and taking way too many pictures. After a long, hard day - you will find her with ice cream and a bath bomb.You can find her on Instagram here. Be sure to join the Daughter of Delight family and check out Heather’s blog, Fearlessly Hopeful, here.  


Daily Delight


Daily Delight