Daily Delight

How often do we find ourselves in a whirlwind of busyness in life? I know for me it’s far too often. I attempt to justify it because I’m doing work for God through my calling. However, God didn’t intend for us to become so busy that we don’t make time to just rest in Him. He purposefully rested on the seventh day after creation, not because He needed it, but because He knew that we did. This year my “word of the year” is abide. I want to pursue the Promiser more than the promises. I want to get back to the beginning with God and learn to truly abide in Him.In scripture, Jesus talks about abiding when He says, “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5, ESV). This is a beautiful reminder of what it truly means to abide. I’m learning I can still do all that God has called me to do, but I need to continually abide in Him in order to be fruitful in that calling. Maybe you are in the same place that I found myself in this past year. You’ve been running fast and hard, but you’re feeling exhausted. Part of the beautiful thing as we enter into a new year is the opportunity to give the first of our year to God.I encourage you to join me in taking this month as a time to reset with God. Devote the start of the 2019 year to truly seeking Him with no agenda other than to grow closer to Him. Take time to read His Word, dive into His presence through prayer and listen to worship music. Adjust your schedule to have a Sabbath day where you press into God’s presence. Pray to see if a fast would be something you should do. I know as we reset with God and realign our hearts to His, we will be able to do so much more for Him. We will truly be able to run and not grow weary. Let’s make 2019 a year of pressing in and making a difference for the Kingdom!

About the Author

Courtney Wilson

Courtney Wilson is a 27-year-old author, blogger and marketing strategist living in Birmingham, Alabama. She is the founder of The Trailblazer Journals, a community for women to become trailblazers for God. Courtney is passionate about leading leaders, developing dreams in our generation and helping others live out their God-given purpose. She hopes to make a difference in other’s lives for God’s Kingdom globally and through the local church. In her spare time, she loves traveling, eating good food and hanging out with friends.You can connect with her on Instagram here and find her blog, The Trail Blazer journals, here. 


Daily Delight


Daily Delight