Daily Delight

I love how the Bible is the living Word of God. It’s often new with every reading depending on where my walk is with the Lord, what situation I’m in at the moment and my life perspective as I grow up.

How many times have we read about or heard sermons about Jesus’ transfiguration? In front of the disciples Peter, James and John, Jesus’s countenance changes and He becomes a bright, heavenly figure. Elijah and Moses also appear and begin talking with Jesus (Matt. 17:1-3)!I’ll admit, it’s not the most frequently told Bible story, but “the transfiguration” is not an uncommon term and story. This time reading the passage, I’m struck at the nugget “the Holy Spirit revealed. . .” As you continue reading, verse 4 states, “Peter exclaims, ‘Lord, it’s wonderful for us to be here! If you want, I’ll make three shelters [shrines] as memorials…” Logical enough reaction- Peter is seeing something exciting and unique and he wants to commemorate the moment. He wants to jump into action.

But what has struck me is verse 5: “But even as he [Peter] spoke, a bright cloud overshadowed and a voice from the cloud said, ‘this is my dearly loved Son, who brings me great joy. Listen to Him.

I just love this! Can you imagine this scene in your head? Peter, while witnessing something amazing—being on a literal and figurative mountain top— wants to jump into action and do something in his small, earthly way to commemorate a heavenly encounter. Then, my favorite part of the story takes place. God literally interrupts Peter! Jesus doesn’t need a commemorative shrine built; God just wants Peter and the disciples to listen to Jesus. To stop moving, stop talking and listen to His beloved Son.

If I’m honest, how many times have I been Peter?

Creating noise and busyness in the presence of God, instead of sitting and listening, which is really what He wants from me.

In this new year, how can we be better listeners during our mountain top moments?

He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” -Matthew 11:15 (ESV)

About the Author

Elizabeth Blumer

Elizabeth, a 29 year-old with Southern roots, works in Silicon Valley as a Marketing Manager for Google.  With a love for travel, meeting people and experiencing new cultures, she’s followed the Lord’s call for this fast-paced season in life.  Originally from Atlanta, and currently residing in San Francisco, she’s also lived and worked in New York City and New Delhi, India.

Elizabeth has a heart for loving on and investing in the “next generation.”  She enjoys fostering and building Christ-centered community in the areas the Lord has placed her.  In India, Elizabeth started an English school for children in a village near her church. At Google, she mentors young marketing professionals early in their careers.  Her goal is to become a Proverbs 31 woman - a Christian defined by grace, poise, Godly character and wisdom, and in her free time, she’s always ready to learn a new skill or have a good, heart-to-heart conversation while on a walk.

You can follow her on Instagram here and follow her blog, While I’m Waiting, here


Daily Delight


Daily Delight