Daily Delight

If your heart was a room, what would it look like? Would it be clean with Pinterest worthy decor?

Imagine this:

There is a door.  Someone knocks and you look to see who it is. It is the Savior Himself. You pause for a minute before letting Him in. You want to swing the door open wide, but can't. You're embarrassed for Him to see the condition of your heart. There are dusty areas, some broken parts and things hidden out of sight. Items stored up that do not matter.

I realize I have focused on situations and expectations that take up space. He knocks again. I'm scrambling around trying to tidy up the place. I wasn't expecting Him, but knocking on the door of my heart is the Creator of the universe. The One who can see through space and time wants to sit and talk with me. And yet, I have filled my days up with so much, that when the most important One in my life knocks at the door of my heart, I am too busy to open it.

He will not force me to open the door, He is a gentleman and is waiting for an invitation.

He knocks again. This time, I open it wide. "My heart is a little messy", I tell Him and He smiles. I realize that He is not there for an inspection, He is there for me, His daughter. He says my name and there is nothing on earth comparable to the sound of His voice. We talk about so many things, I ask questions, He laughs and so do I. He looks to the left and sees a piece of my heart that is broken. Being the Healer of broken hearts, He takes a hold of this piece and mends it. It leaves a scar. A beautiful scar that reminds me of what He has done in my life.

A song comes to mind: "Before I bring my needs, I will bring my heart..."

That's it. I will bring my heart to the One who gives me my next heartbeat. I decide to clean up, examining areas that need attention.

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." -Psalm 51:10 (NIV)

I place this verse on the wall of my heart, anxiously awaiting His next visit.

Dear friends, will you do the same?

About the Author

Heather Koppe

Heather is a 44-year-old brown eyed girl, who is in the pursuit of being an overcomer as she clings to God’s promises. All the while  sharing her stories.Heather is a West Virginia girl, now residing in Matthews, NC with her husband Clint, their two daughters and four cats. She recently started a blog and has spoken on a few occasions at women’s Bible studies sharing her real life struggles and the unwavering love of Jesus. She is passionate about the written word and hopes to encourage those around her daily.  She also works in Property Management.In her rare, but free time you will find her with a book in her purse, and pen and paper in hand. She is living her best life, a kingdom girl, embarking on new adventures with her family...watching movies, and taking way too many pictures. After a long, hard day - you will find her with ice cream and a bath bomb.You can find her on Instagram here. Be sure to join the Daughter of Delight family and check out Heather’s blog, Fearlessly Hopeful, here.  


Daily Delight


Daily Delight