Daily Delight

I had an emotional breakdown the other day. It wasn’t neatly penciled into my calendar or written on my to do list, but it happened nonetheless.
I was driving aimlessly in my SUV with two sleeping babies in the backseat. Despite my best efforts to keep it together, I quickly crumbled under the pressure I had wrongly placed on myself. The weight of the world on my shoulders.
I felt the Lord gently ask, "Why are you striving and struggling? Why do you insist on doing this on your own? Don’t you trust Me?"
I have to be honest, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I immediately felt shame and embarrassment. I didn’t want to admit what I felt like was defeat. I wasn’t ready to acknowledge the fact that I had been living life by my own strength. However, the word says, “God blesses those who realize their need for him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs” (Matthew 5:2-3, NLT) and I knew I had to humble myself. I had to confront my fear and confess my desire to be in control.
Tears streamed down my warm cheeks as I uttered the words, “I can’t do this anymore. I need You to take this from me.” As soon as the words escaped my lips, I immediately let out a deep sigh of relief. In that moment, God's beautiful mercy and loving kindness was tangible.
Through this, I became uncomfortably aware of my limitations.
I found myself at my wit's end, and it’s a good thing I did because only then did I look to Him.
 I can’t do all the things and neither can you friend. God never intended for us to do it all on our own. It’s in our weakness that He is made strong (2 Corinthians 12:9-11, NIV).
Are you overwhelmed and overcommitted? Loosen your fist and if He says release, let it go. I promise you, there is freedom in forfeit.
God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble. Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”-1 Peter 5:5-7 (NIV)

About the Author

Cassandra Speer

Cassandra Speer was raised in Wisconsin, saved in Texas, and is planted in Oklahoma City. She’s been a hair/makeup artist for over a decade and is now a homemaker and writer. She is the proud wife of a veteran and mother of three.Cassandra is the face behind Speer & Arrows — a blog with the purpose to encourage and empower all MOMKIND to walk in the freedom only Christ can provide. She is passionate about sharing her faith and tackling the raw and messy moments of motherhood with a little bit of humor — and a whole lot of Jesus!

You can usually find her in Target, wearing a baseball cap, chugging coffee and chasing her tiny humans. In her free time, she enjoys dating her man, cooking dinner for friends, writing, worshiping and listening to podcasts.
You can find her on Instagram here and online here.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight