Daily Delight

I have noticed a huge difference on the days I don't start with prayer. My attitude is grumbly, my focus is MIA and things just don't seem to flow the way they should. I've come to realize that when I don't put God first (Matt. 6:33), when I don't acknowledge Him (Proverbs 3:5-6) or seek His wisdom (James 1:5), then I am letting God know with my actions that I can handle the day without Him.

And you know what? When I do that, He lets me. He says; "Okay, go ahead." This right here is the very reason things feel off or go wrong the whole day- because I haven't acknowledged that my God is the One who has given me another day of life in the first place. I haven't asked for His guidance or help with things I'll face that day.

I have not surrendered the day over to Him.

However, when I started giving God the first few minutes of my day (and admittedly, some days it really is only a few minutes), I noticed how smoothly my days starting going. When things went wrong, I would have wisdom and peace that can only come from Him. Not to say my days are perfect- far from it! But He's right there with me, no matter what, and I'm in tune with Him- listening, seeking, waiting, and acting according to His direction.

So, my friend, if you haven't already, I encourage you to rise and shine today by spending some time with our loving Heavenly Father. He is always glad to hear from us and it really will make the biggest difference in your day! Promise.

"Earnestly desire to get alone with God. If we neglect to do so, we not only rob ourselves of a blessing but rob others as well, since we will have no blessing to pass on to them. It may mean that we do less outward, visible work, but the work we do will have more depth and power. Another wonderful result will be that people will see "no one except Jesus" (Matt. 17:8) in our lives. The impact of being alone with God in prayer cannot be overemphasized." - Streams in the Desert, by L.B. Cowman

About the Author

Abigail Folds

Abigail is an internationally trained and qualified life coach on a mission to encourage and inspire women to live the lives they’re being called to live.  I believe we are each on this earth for a reason, and I LOVE helping other women realize and own that truth so that they can reach their God-given potential in all areas of life.You can find her website here and Instagram here


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