Daily Delight
Writers back in the day didn’t have the option to italicize, bold or underline fonts to emphasize something. In Hebrew, the only way this could be done was by repeating a word, phrase or concept multiple times. This is God’s way in the Bible of saying, “Hey there, listen up!”
Studies have shown the best way to learn something—like, really learn something until it’s internalized—is to repeat it. Read it, write it down and read it out loud to yourself.
To be completely honest with you, I don’t do this nearly enough (or at all) with Bible verses, but something that struck me earlier this week during my morning quiet time was all the things I do repeat to myself throughout my day- almost so much so that I don’t hear them, but I most definitely internalize them.
I went on a date recently and, perhaps because I was nervous, I said something that didn’t accurately represent my true feelings about the chivalry I value in a man. In the scheme of things it was minor, but I’ve been disappointed in myself thinking about it ever since. What I’ve caught myself saying over the last few days though has been troubling - every time I’ve remembered that moment, I’ve said out loud “Shoot, I’m an idiot.” I’ve been repeating that to myself, speaking that over myself so often that I don’t even hear it anymore.
Our words have the power to give life or speak death (Proverbs 18:21). Satan is rejoicing- not over my awkward encounter, but over how I’ve chosen to define myself by my own words. God doesn’t see me as an idiot, so why am I calling myself something that isn’t true?
My question for you is this: What words are you repeating over yourself and to others? Are they words that are life giving or words of discouragement and criticism? (Proverbs 12:18)
My challenge to us all: Let us be intentional to choose positive and uplifting words to ourselves and others! Let us speak life!
About the Author
Elizabeth Blumer
Elizabeth, a 29 year-old with Southern roots, works in Silicon Valley as a Marketing Manager for Google. With a love for travel, meeting people and experiencing new cultures, she’s followed the Lord’s call for this fast-paced season in life. Originally from Atlanta, and currently residing in San Francisco, she’s also lived and worked in New York City and New Delhi, India.
Elizabeth has a heart for loving on and investing in the “next generation.” She enjoys fostering and building Christ-centered community in the areas the Lord has placed her. In India, Elizabeth started an English school for children in a village near her church. At Google, she mentors young marketing professionals early in their careers. Her goal is to become a Proverbs 31 woman - a Christian defined by grace, poise, Godly character and wisdom, and in her free time, she’s always ready to learn a new skill or have a good, heart-to-heart conversation while on a walk.
You can follow her on Instagram here and follow her blog, While I’m Waiting, here