Daily Delight

In my few years of being a born again Christian, I have learned that worship is not about me.Worship is about Who we serve. We are to proclaim, declare, and decree who God is with every thought, word and action. Despite the circumstances we may find ourselves in, we must not forget that God is the I AM, the Alpha and Omega, the Prince of peace, the Provider, and our banner.He is exactly who He says He is, and living out who we are in a way that acknowledges Whose we are is what worship is all about!True worship is making it a priority to place our Father above our problems, situations, and principalities. We must allow God to remain in His rightful place above all other things.What we magnify above Him is what we are worshiping. We must choose to focus on God. After all, He is the ultimate.He has been given a name that is above every name. In fact, at the mere mention of His name, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that He is Lord. (Isaiah 45:23)When our hearts become aligned with these truths, worship in its truest form starts to flow from the inside out!Friend, focus on the Father. Surrender your heart into His hands and trust that He knows what He’s doing in your every situation. This will enable you to keep Him at the forefront of your life and therefore allow you to live the life you were created for to the fullest; a life of true worship that honors the sovereignty of our sweet, Heavenly Father.

About the Author

Mukanga Chola

Mukanga is twenty-five years old and lives in Zambia. She recently graduated from medical school and holds a deep love in her heart for Christ.In her free time, Mukanga enjoys reading books, writing, listening to music, hanging out with friends, cooking, eating, and watching television. She also likes very clean and organized environments.You can find her blog here, her Instagram here, and her Twitter here


Daily Delight


Daily Delight