Daily Delight

When we look at our Savior, we can see just how passionate He is for us, His bride. With an unrelenting and jealous love for us, He’s committed Himself to us in the most selfless act anyone could. And graciously, He has empowered us to live on this side of eternity to pursue Him. This empowerment, derived by the Holy Spirit, beckons us to not only look toward Christ but to also be imitators of Christ.

When we serve our brothers and sisters well, we serve God well. In all that we do, we must do it with a passion and reverence for God, as it pleases God greatly when we sacrificially love others.

Being an imitator of God begins with knowing God and His ways. His way of loving, being gentle towards us, slow to anger, and making Himself available. His way of suffering along with us in our burdens, exuding joy and wonder, being a peacemaker, trustworthy and leading with self-control.

Think of how Christ shows His great love for you personally and then duplicate that to another. Let’s commit to love and serve God faithfully by mirroring back to Him how He reveals Himself to us. Let’s commit to imitate the ways of God to all those around us.This is how we can represent our Father well: making known the sacrificial love of Christ and testifying to the transformative power of Holy Spirit. As instructed in the word of God, let’s “encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing” (1 Thessalonians 5:11, ESV).


About the Author

Diamond King

Diamond King, MA, is a Certified Biblical Life Coach with a Master of Arts in Human Services Counseling from Liberty University. Unrelenting, in her passion for helping women propel beyond their challenges, she founded Sip, Savor, Selah, whose mission is "to help women elevate their self-concept with empathy, exaltation and edification one inspirational mug at a time."

Daily Delight


Daily Delight