Daily Delight

I’m not sure about you, but I can always use an extra dose of encouragement these days. Lately, it’s because I’ve been really hard on myself in the area of feeling like I’m not where I “should” be by now in multiple areas of life. Can you relate to that?Maybe you’re juggling multiple jobs and are confused about your professional future. Maybe you thought you’d be married by now with a family of your own but it hasn’t happened. Maybe you expected your business to be more profitable after all the hard work you’ve put into it but you’re at a financial plateau.You’re not alone in this, friend. I promise -- I’m right here with you. However, we can’t stay in this place of shame and defeat.Whatever it looks like for you, I’m going to ask that you pause with me and take a deep breath as we remind ourselves that our future and hope will never be defined by our present situation but by the wondrous love and goodness of Jesus. Our worries might change, but He stays the same. Negative thoughts come, but His word renews our minds. Our battles will look different in each season, but He says we’re more than conquerors because He’s transferred us His spirit of victory.He sees you, your heart and all of its desires. He wants nothing more than to provide for you just like He always has, but we have to take our eyes off of ourselves and our current struggles and place them back on Him and His love for us.God can heal what we surrender, so let’s surrender our thoughts and worries together today and walk in faith.P.S. An exercise that helps me on hard days like this is tracing God’s hand in my life and writing down all the times He’s provided for me in every “valley season” along the way. It’s such a great activity to spur thanksgiving and praise! Sending you all the love and hugs today,Karsen

About the Author

Karsen is fun-loving gal from the Sunshine State! Keeping it quirky and real is what she does best and Jesus, her husband, and her rescue pups are what she loves most. When she isn't thrifting, she's creating content for brands as well as helping them to discover their unique brand voice.When she isn't working or loving on her little family at home, she's sipping craft coffee at her favorite shop, writing blog posts on slow fashion, practicing self-love and care, as well as disrupting culture with encouragement.You can find and follow along on her Instagram here.


Daily Delight


Daily Delight