Daily Delight

As spring approaches, I can’t help but think about the new life that is beginning! The grass on the ground starts to grow and the flowers start to bud. The trees slowly become full of a covering of leaves. Everything starts to turn a beautiful shade of green again and even in nature, there is a new beginning of life that happens in spring.

Think of the hope of springtime while you read the words of Isaiah 61:11:

For as the soil makes the sprout come up and a garden causes seeds to grow, so the Sovereign LORD will make righteousness and praise spring up before all nations” (NIV).

Chapter 61 of Isaiah is full of the promises of God that are fulfilled through Christ and His church. The chapter seems to be speaking directly to me, to you, to our generation. In verse 11, the Scripture is comparing the life that springs up in a garden to the life that the Lord brings. In our world, springtime ends and the life around us dies eventually. But the Church, who is Christ’s bride and whom has been clothed in the righteousness of the Lord, can rejoice in the everlasting life that is given because of this! This hope of spring that we have is just like the hope that we possess because of Christ- except it is better. It extends to all generations and is never-ending!

Sister, you are a part of this everlasting life. You have been clothed in righteousness, so therefore praise the Lord with everything you have. When you look at the green grass that starts to grow this month, be encouraged! That same hope is extended and is everlasting.

Lord, thank you for making us a part of your promise and giving us your hope that lasts forever! We pray today that we would understand and know the hope so that we may bring it to others. Amen.

About the Author

Bethany Sayers

Bethany is a 21-year-old, people-loving girl who seeks to empower and challenge women to be exactly who the Lord has called them to be. She is passionate about worshiping her Creator, discipling young women, and spreading joy.

Bethany lives in Denver, Colorado and loves every minute of the ever-changing weather. She loves to chase the sunrise and be outdoors as much as she possibly can, soaking up the warm sun! Her first choice for a quick adventure is to escape to the mountains, even for just a couple hours! If her first choice is not available, you are sure to find her with tea or coffee in hand.



Daily Delight


Daily Delight