Daily Delight

Nehemiah, a simple cupbearer to the king, was called by God to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem. A task that appeared insurmountable ends in triumph and brings glory to God!

Nehemiah was willing to answer the call of God. Yet, he was faced with opposition. With anything that God calls us to, there is always opposition- from people, the enemy and even our own fears.

Let me give you an example from my modern day life:

God, you have called me to be a wife and mother. I say YES to both! Yet, I am worried that I cannot give them what they need. There is so much before me (tasks, responsibilities and distractions). I often fear that I will not have the patience to walk through it.  What if I lose my temper? What if that anxiety starts to consume me? What if those lies, which play over and over in my head, are true?

I imagine a moment between God and Nehemiah, where he might say: “What if we cannot finish this wall, Father? What if these builders, the men and women die in the process of this task? There are people opposing this rebuilding and they are trying to fill me with fear” (See Nehemiah 4 and 6). After reading about all the opposition that he faced, the following verse emerges like cool water to my soul:

But I prayed, ‘Now strengthen my hands.’“ (Nehemiah 6:9, NIV)

Nehemiah could have succumbed to all the fear surrounding him. Instead, He asked God to strengthen his hands. If you read the story, you'll see that God strengthened more than just his hands. He also gave him wisdom and discernment.

A prayer for us today:

God, when we are tempted to get angry, strengthen Your patience within us. When we are in shame, strengthen the truth of who we are in You. When confusion attacks us, strengthen Your peace and discernment upon our minds. In our doubt, strengthen Your gift of faith within us. When we are in panic and fear, strengthen the name of Jesus and the whispers of Your eternal Kingdom upon our entire beings. Amen.

About the Author

Shauni MacLean

Meet Shauni MacLean, a native of Washington State and a wife of nearly nine years to the only guy (besides her dad) who saw a light in her. Shauni and her husband are parents to two little treasures, Lilly and Molly. She is 31 years old, and aside from wife-life, mama-life and writing, she is a registered nurse in the field of pediatrics.

After receiving God’s comfort and revelation through inner trials over the last seven years, Shauni has been led to be uncomfortably vulnerable with her past and current struggles, as well as the Kingdom of God triumph that follows, so that other women can be encouraged. When Shauni writes, she is thinking of the women that need to know that we are all in the same fight that will lead to victory.

You can be encouraged on your journey as a wife and relate with Shauni on her blog.

You can also receive real life inspiration, from good times to hard times, with her on Instagram.


Daily Delight


Daughter Dilemmas