Daily Delight

I find myself caught up in a season of waiting.You know the kind. It’s as if you’re hiking a mountain trail, leaping from peak to peak…until the fog rolls in and your next step is covered in cloudy uncertainty. “How long will it take for the road to clear?” I wonder, trying to see through the mist. I’m willing the sun to illuminate the right way, but the path remains shrouded in a haze.We have all experienced seasons like this. Whatever the situation, we’ve spent nights camped out in wait of direction. It can be so tempting to feel isolated and forgotten during these times. We cannot understand why God would allow us to remain in uncertainty, so we resort to worry and anxiety in a futile attempt to control the unseen. But, my dear friends, this isn’t His Will for us.So that we might grow and bear fruit, our good Father will often plant us in soils that seem tough or uncomfortable. As we endure the soil, our foundational roots become stronger – and we develop in character according to God’s plan for our lives.“Although the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, your teachers will be hidden no more; with your own eyes you will see them. Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’” -Isaiah 30:20-21 (NIV)God intends for our waiting seasons to be part of the journey. When we can’t seem to determine our direction, it may simply be time to invest in where we are. When He’s ready for us to move, He’ll plainly show us the way – inviting us to take that next step with Him.I find myself caught up in a season of waiting.Oh, friends, the wait is so good.  

About the Author

Sierra Okoniewski

Sierra is a spunky, 22-year-old Michigander who is saved by Jesus Christ every single day. A college student with a culinary degree under her belt, she loves to whip up pies and brunch for hungry friends...sometimes in that order.
Sierra lives in Romeo, Michigan with her parents, three sweet siblings, and their spazzy Australian Shepherd puppy, Pepper. Her calling is to write about the work that The Father is doing in her heart while she grows as His daughter.
You can often find Sierra karaoke-dancing in the kitchen, lavender latte in hand. If she's not there, she's probably out backpacking...but she promises to return shortly, armed with bear hugs and big-mountain stories.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight