Daily Delight

Undoubtedly, I am not the only woman who needs a constant reminder of the unshakable, all-knowing power of the Lord. Sometimes, I feel small. I feel weak. I feel unworthy of being heard.
Joshua felt the same.
In the story of Joshua, we see the Lord encourage Joshua to be strong and courageous. Joshua feels weak and not worthy to do the tasks set before him by the Lord– just like me. Except, the Lord (essentially) says: “There is no need to be afraid because I have placed you here. You are the person I have chosen to lead My people into the promised land. I choose you, Joshua.”
And He chooses you, too.
The One who is forever unshakable and all-knowing chooses you to do the tasks He has set before you. I don’t know about you, but I am so humbled knowing the Creator of the universe picked me. Sister, this means He chooses you just like He chose Joshua to lead the Israelites to the promised land!
But wait, there's more! God (essentially) goes on to say, “You do not need to be afraid, anxious, distressed, or shocked by anything that will come against you because I will always be with you wherever you go.”
The Bible doesn’t tell us just once to not be afraid! In fact, we are told 365 in His word to "fear not". One for each day of the year!
Hebrews 13:6 tells us, “So we can confidently say, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?’” (ESV)
Not one thing can ever stand against the Lord because He is just that mighty.
Take comfort, sweet sisters! Our fears– every single one of them– cannot stand in the presence of the Lord.
Lord, thank you for taking our fears. We ask that we would constantly be reminded of this. You are so worthy of all the glory and praise.
About the Author
Bethany Sayers
Bethany is a 21-year-old, people-loving girl who seeks to empower and challenge women to be exactly who the Lord has called them to be. She is passionate about worshiping her Creator, discipling young women, and spreading joy.
Bethany lives in Denver, Colorado and loves every minute of the ever-changing weather. She loves to chase the sunrise and be outdoors as much as she possibly can, soaking up the warm sun! Her first choice for a quick adventure is to escape to the mountains, even for just a couple hours! If her first choice is not available, you are sure to find her with tea or coffee in hand.