Daily Delight

Have you ever had a moment where you have looked at someone else and thought, “I wish I was them?”If I’m completely honest, this has been one of my deepest struggles over the past three years. I wrestle with the Lord, asking Him, "Why am I not as far on as she is?" or "Why do I not look like her?"I know I’m not alone in this, because comparison is an epidemic. It causes us to look at ourselves and see every single flaw so clearly. It leads us to scrutinize pieces of ourselves that we think should be different or better. It steals our joy and causes us to live an inward focused life.Here’s the thing- when we compare ourselves to others, we lose sight of who God has made us to be. Jesus never asked you to be anyone other than who He made you to be. He doesn’t look at you and wish you were someone else. He looks at you and calls you beloved (Eph. 1:6). He has a melody that He sings over you, to quiet your fears and remind you of who He is (Zep. 3:17). He never tells us that we have to be her—the enemy does that, and we know he isn’t a truth-teller (John 8:44).Sweet girl, will you join me today in saying "no" to comparison? To fight the lies that so easily entangle us with the Truth? Speak these scriptures over yourself today, and speak them out loud. Let the Holy Spirit remind you of your identity as a child of God (Rom. 8:15).

You are fearfully and wonderfully made (Ps. 139:14).

You are His poetry, His handiwork (Eph. 2:10).

You have hope because He is the God of all hope (Romans 15:13).

You are His treasured possession (Deut. 7:6).

There is no one better equipped for the call on your life than you. You were not meant to walk someone else’s path and someone else was not meant to walk yours. Your journey is specifically designed to make you into the person God is creating you to be and that will bring Him the most glory in the process. 

About the Author

Steph McGown

Steph loves Jesus, coffee, and music- anything folk, alternative or Taylor Swift. You’ll normally find her sitting in her favourite spot at her local coffee store, she is a creature of habit. Originally from Ireland, Steph recently moved to Thunder Bay, Ontario, to work as worship and creative arts intern at Redwood Park church. It’s the best decision she has ever made.
Her heart is for the local church and she avidly believes in the role of community in the lives of followers of Jesus.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight