Daily Delight

We pulled into the doctor’s office only to find a full parking lot. Time was sparse so I decided to park across the street in an empty lot filled with gravel. As I put our SUV into park, my cell phone began to ring. It was my husband with potentially life-changing news.Unsure of how to respond and slightly annoyed with the timing of it all, I sat there frozen on the other line. I was late for a very important doctor’s appointment. Didn’t God know this was not the time for my world to come crashing down?! I composed myself as I gently said, “Everything will be okay, we can talk about this when I get home.” I hung up the phone and shuffled my three little children out of the car and across the unpaved road.As I pushed my stroller against the rough gravel, my four-year-old daughter looked up at me and innocently asked, “Why does the road have to be so hard to walk on Mama?” A tear slid down my cheek as I candidly responded, “I’m asking myself the same question right now dear and I really don’t know.” She had a literal question for my spiritual struggle in that moment. We may not ever understand the difficulties life throws our way or why the road is filled with twists, turns and bumps along the way. What I do know is you’ll never have to walk it alone. (Isaiah 43:2)Trauma doesn’t get the final word in your story, friend. The cross does. My life isn't exempt from heartache because I'm a Christian. Dare I say it ensures it, but I'll never have to endure it alone- and neither do you! I don’t believe life gets less difficult, but I do believe the more time we spend walking with Christ, the more teachable we become.God can transform what the enemy intends to wound us into something that gives others permission to heal.


Daily Delight


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