Daily Delight

As I was driving to visit a friend last week, I was suddenly confronted with a list of imperfections. My mind began taking inventory of jabbing memories in which I wasn’t good enough.The accusations stung: 
Bad timing.
Too loud.
Didn’t know the answer.
Didn’t get the joke.
Picked last for the team. Again.I gripped the steering wheel, trying to wave away the past. It felt as if inadequacy had coiled around me like a rope. Ashamed of myself, I visualized God watching me with embarrassment as I blundered through my life.
Then, I heard a very real whisper to my heart. It said,“Listen to Me.I love everything about you.Stand next to Albert Einstein, or Billy Graham, or the guy who got picked first for the team, and I will value you both the same.You delight Me by being yourself. You delight Me every day.”God speaks in many ways, and not always on the same frequency. Let me tell you, though – I heard this message loud and clear. 
Joy and relief overwhelmed me in that moment. The knowledge that I am treasured, unapologetically, by the Creator of the Universe cut through every label of disappointment that I had resigned myself to. He so freely gives this love to His people, and I’m absolutely blown away by it. His love is so, so good. It is everything.My friend, I want you to know how much God loves you.He isn’t embarrassed or ashamed of you. He doesn’t measure you against anyone else. He delights in you. He treasures you in every moment, even when others overlook your worth. He has clothed you in the righteousness of Christ! (2 Corinthians 5:21) 

About the Author

Sierra Okoniewski

Sierra is a spunky, 22-year-old Michigander who is saved by Jesus Christ every single day. A college student with a culinary degree under her belt, she loves to whip up pies and brunch for hungry friends...sometimes in that order.
Sierra lives in Romeo, Michigan with her parents, three sweet siblings, and their spazzy Australian Shepherd puppy, Pepper. Her calling is to write about the work that The Father is doing in her heart while she grows as His daughter.
You can often find Sierra karaoke-dancing in the kitchen, lavender latte in hand. If she's not there, she's probably out backpacking...but she promises to return shortly, armed with bear hugs and big-mountain stories.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight