Daily Delight

Hebrews 11 is often called the “faith chapter” of the Bible. It summarizes how major Old Testament Bible characters walked out their faith! From Noah, to Moses, to even Rahab, people across ancient generations demonstrated their faith in God. The entire chapter is faith-building and inspirational, but Hebrews 11:8 (pictured) really stands out to me.

By faith Abraham obeyed…

As Christians, we immediately think of needing our faith in order to pray for healing, evangelize, take a “big leap” into God’s will for our lives, and etc.

It’s true, we do need faith for those things! However, faith is required in the small situations of our lives as well. It takes faith to obey God’s instructions. Sometimes His directions feel small and unimportant. However, it’s not the size of the accomplishment that God praises; it’s our obedience taken in faith that He recognizes.

And he went out, not knowing where he was going.

Do you ever feel like Abraham? Abraham was promised an inheritance, but he had to move in faith first. When God asks us to do something, we do not always know the destination. It can be intimidating or terrifying, but this is where true faith comes in! God desires that we put our faith in Him, not in our own plans or knowledge. Just like God directed Abraham, He will direct you, too.

If you want to be used by God—if you want to grow in your faith—you can start with obedience. Obey what God has asked you to do through His Word, even if you don’t understand why. Obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit in your daily life, even if it makes you uncomfortable. As you practice obedience, your faith will increase!

Like Abraham, you’ll be able to follow God willingly- not always knowing where you’re going, but full of faith that God will bring you through!

About the Author

Kirsten Fernandes

Kirsten is a 27-year-old freelancer who is passionate about sharing the love of God with others! She currently writes and designs in addition to teaching English to non-native speakers. She lives in Nashville, TN, with her husband and best friend, Jordan. Together they lead a small group at their church and serve in the Nashville community.
Kirsten fills up her free time with writing, participating in triathlons, reading, hiking, hanging out with friends, and traveling with her husband. She and Jordan aspire to visit all seven continents together!
Connect with Kirsten on Instagram here and on her husband's blog here.


Daily Delight


Daily Delight