Daily Delight

Does anyone else feel busy all of the time?In today’s world, there are so many events, people, and tasks demanding our time. Even our constant connectedness—internet, social media, texting, phone calls—can keep us feeling like there’s never any true “down time.” But in the Psalms, we are encouraged to “be still.”How do we create this balance in our lives?One way to do this, of course, is to deliberately set aside time to spend in prayer with God and the Bible. Spending time enjoying your relationship with God is the best way to learn to be still! However, at the same time, God does not look down from Heaven and punish you because you skipped your devotional last week. His command to “be still” means so much more than sit still and study.“Be still” is not only a posture of the body but of the heart, too.Even in the midst of schedules that might be filled to the brim, and even when our lives feel chaos-filled, our hearts can still be still.God will be exalted, no matter what goes on. There is no point in stressing over your life or the lives of others! In our joy, in our pain, in our busy days, and in our uncertainty, God is still God. He is in control. And we can be still in this knowledge, trusting Him with every area of our lives.Are there things in your life you can release and trust God to care for instead? Can you stop fretting over a person or situation that has left you frazzled and confused? Can you let go of your worrying and simply trust Him?Remembering that God is God over all things reassures us that we don’t have to feel anxious or out of control. Our hearts can be still because we put our trust in Him. If you feel exhausted and anxious today, remember Who guides your life.Be still, and know that He is God. Rest in Him.

About the Author

Kirsten Fernandes

Kirsten is a 27-year-old freelancer who is passionate about sharing the love of God with others! She currently writes and designs in addition to teaching English to non-native speakers. She lives in Nashville, TN, with her husband and best friend, Jordan. Together they lead a small group at their church and serve in the Nashville community.
Kirsten fills up her free time with writing, participating in triathlons, reading, hiking, hanging out with friends, and traveling with her husband. She and Jordan aspire to visit all seven continents together!
Connect with Kirsten on Instagram here and on her husband's blog here.

Daily Delight


Daughter Dilemmas