Daily Delight

Have you ever experienced a day where just putting two of the same shoes on before you ran out the door was an accomplishment? Maybe it was not just a day, but many days - a year or two of mismatched socks and yesterday’s makeup.

Seasons like this can be draining - when you feel like you’re running on empty, unable to spiritually feed your heart.

When you feel like you’re falling behind, go high.

Just like Elijah in 1 Kings 19, sometimes we just need to get away to the top of a mountain in order to hear God. He will not come in blazing to shame you for your season, but He appears as a gentle whisper. (v. 11-13) From the top of this mountain, we get a chance to hear the soft-spoken voice calling, “What are you doing here?

It is from this height that we can re-focus our attention.

Shifting the frame of focus from our everyday viewpoint gives us a glimpse of what is to come. Even on the days we can only see crushing deadlines and worry on the horizon, it is the softness of God's voice and the height-advantage He has that breathes life into our being.

I want to encourage you to not discount the work you are doing right here, right now. Find ways to litter your life with truth – podcasts in the car, worship music while you’re cleaning! I see these small moments as sweet and gentle reminders that God is good and He loves me. Rather than sitting down for an extended period of time, I can remember all day that eternity is at hand, within reach, worth pausing for.

When our focus is not on the present moment but rather His eternal glory, we find beauty in the mundane and grace for our seasons as we find them.

As I look back on the weary seasons, it is easy to guilt myself into thinking I could have done better. However, those same seasons have also included beautiful, life-giving moments with my gentle Father. He pulled my attention away from the anxiousness I had for tomorrow and set me right down into His purpose for the moment.

Sisters, let the whispers at the top of your mountain help you become present-focused, eternity-minded.

What are the whispers that God is sharing with you? Fill your emptiness with life and purpose this week!

About the Author

Alex Baker

Alex is a 25-year-old Enneagram 2 (which means she LOVES people!) and currently lives in sunny Tampa, FL. Her heartbeat is for underserved communities and feels God has blessed her to be able to advocate for others in the nonprofit world for a living, which has led her all around the world for her work. 
Alex believes in the power of a good Sabbath, so she finds joy in filling her soul with restful things - painting, reading, movies, and card games with family. She also finds great joy in deeply studying the Word and growing in knowledge.
If she could have a second go at life, she'd open a flower shop/coffee shop/bookstore combo (be on the lookout for that if writing doesn't work out). The way to her heart though is definitely through good, unique food and lots and lots of coffee.
You can find her on Instagram here and writing for Daughter of Delight here.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight