Daily Delight

I have always loved Hannah’s story in 1 Samuel because of the boldness of her faith and the vulnerability of the way she poured her heart out to God.

I cannot imagine how difficult it must have been for Hannah to give Samuel up. This was the very baby she had prayed so fervently and desperately for. Part of her must have wanted to cling tightly to him. She also must have felt immense honour and excitement that he would be used by God for greater things, but it must have been extremely difficult to let go.

It is so hard to surrender things to God sometimes, isn’t it? Plans, time, dreams, people, situations, desires – often good things we become trapped into feeling entitled to. It can be hard to imagine why God would ask us to surrender a blessing. However, we must keep in mind that good things are not always God things, and His ways are always—always—better than our ways.

Sometimes God entrusts us with things for a season. When Hannah vowed, “I will give him to the Lord all the days of his life” (1 Samuel 1:11), she did not waver. Samuel then became one of the greatest prophets of his time.

Laying it all down at His feet is the best thing we could ever do, even when it feels next to impossible.

Hannah reminds us that everything already belongs to the Lord. He sees His grand design far beyond what we can imagine.

What do you need to lay down at His feet today? What is God asking you to place into His hands that you need Him to help you let go of?

Lord, help us to lay it ALL down to You today, even when it hurts. Help us to be women who trust fiercely in Your plans for us.


About the Author

Laura D'Amico

Laura is a 23-year-old Canadian woman who is determined to ride God’s beautiful wave wherever it takes her.

Laura lives in Ottawa, Ontario, where she is pursuing her Master’s degree in Counselling & Spirituality. She feels called to serve by helping the voiceless to find voices, particularly in her work with youth experiencing homelessness. She is also passionate about music (especially leading worship), ministry with children & youth, writing, speaking, missions, travel, her loved ones, and probably drinking too much black coffee for her own good! She loves her Creator most of all.

You can find Laura at her blog The Way Everlasting (thewayeverlasting.blog), or on Instagram at @laura.lives.life.



Daily Delight


Daughter Dilemmas