Daily Delight

Are you fighting a battle today? Are you allowing yourself the grace that Jesus has for you in the midst of it?

If you are like me, maybe you struggle to rest. It can be so difficult to step back and take a breath, can’t it? Maybe you are a mother and give your all to your babies. Maybe you are a student and feel like that grade is going to make or break everything. Maybe you are struggling just to get out of bed today.

There is a resting place for you, beautiful one.

In Mark 2:27, Jesus says, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath” (ESV). In other words, God created rest for us. The enemy creeps into this space sometimes, doesn’t he? Have you felt him pout guilt into your heart, telling you rest is weakness? Do not let him brand this lie on your heart. Rest is God’s design for us. God Himself rested on the seventh day.

Jesus retreated into God’s presence. Matthew 1:35 says that “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where He prayed.” Jesus, fully God and fully man, took time to be alone with His perfect Father. He showed us how to recharge.

Let us follow His example today. Let’s take time to be filled up by the ultimate Source, and He will give us everything we need to serve out of the overflow.

Take a breath and lean on Him today. Because of Christ, you are worth it.


About the Author

Laura D'Amico

Laura is a 23-year-old Canadian woman who is determined to ride God’s beautiful wave wherever it takes her.

Laura lives in Ottawa, Ontario, where she is pursuing her Master’s degree in Counselling & Spirituality. She feels called to serve by helping the voiceless to find voices, particularly in her work with youth experiencing homelessness. She is also passionate about music (especially leading worship), ministry with children & youth, writing, speaking, missions, travel, her loved ones, and probably drinking too much black coffee for her own good! She loves her Creator most of all.

You can find Laura at her blog The Way Everlasting (thewayeverlasting.blog), or on Instagram at @laura.lives.life.



Daily Delight


Daily Delight