Daily Delight

The love and compassion my Father shows me is difficult to grasp sometimes. The fact that the Creator of the Universe cares about the little details in my life and sees me as I am in the day-to-day is hard to believe. My unbelief causes me to lose sight of Him; it makes me clutch tight to all my decisions, thinking I have to carry the weight of the world with each turn I take. But this is not even close to the truth.If the Lord cares about the exact color the lilies in the field shine, surely He cares about the things that make you anxious at night. Surely God knows the worries of your heart – He also knows they are not His best for you. Holding tight to worry because you feel like you have to change your circumstance alone is one of the biggest lies you will face, friend. I know this because I have been there – and quite honestly, I have to fight the need to be in control daily. Oh Father, help my unbelief!Too often I find myself trying to sit on Jesus’ throne instead of at His feet.Our Father does not ask us to worry, to fret, to be in control. Matthew 6 states the truth that He knows every need we have. Tomorrow has enough worry of its own; we are called to leave the worries we face in the hands of our Father. Consider the story of Mary and Martha from Luke 10. Martha fretted and ran around, trying to control the perfection of having the Savior in her home, when all Jesus really wanted was what Mary was doing – to sit at His feet.  Our God does not ask that we make things perfect – He asks that we be with Him in His presence. His presence is where we hear His voice, find peace, and discover just how great His love is for us, in every single detail of our lives. 

About the Author

Alex Baker

Alex is a 25-year-old Enneagram 2 (which means she LOVES people!) and currently lives in sunny Tampa, FL. Her heartbeat is for underserved communities and feels God has blessed her to be able to advocate for others in the nonprofit world for a living, which has led her all around the world for her work. 
Alex believes in the power of a good Sabbath, so she finds joy in filling her soul with restful things - painting, reading, movies, and card games with family. She also finds great joy in deeply studying the Word and growing in knowledge.
If she could have a second go at life, she'd open a flower shop/coffee shop/bookstore combo (be on the lookout for that if writing doesn't work out). The way to her heart though is definitely through good, unique food and lots and lots of coffee.
You can find her on Instagram here and writing for Daughter of Delight here.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight