Daily Delight

Father’s Day just passed, and the thought of it can be quite difficult for some of us.

I am one of those few. Too often when I am talking with someone on the fringes of their faith who have had hard family lives, they seem to see God through the lens of their earthly father. Their earthly father’s love ran empty, so God’s love must also have an end; the dad that gave them life left, so the Author of life must also abandon His children.

For so long, I unknowingly viewed God through the lens of hurt and experience, and it left me feeling angry, then apathetic. I put a wedge between God and myself to prevent those feelings again.

But God, in His loving kindness, opened my eyes to see how deep His love is, how we were all created to be His. Where earthly fathers fail – as we all do – God’s fatherhood is unmatched.

What is a good Father?

1) A good Father is consistent. (Malachi 3:6)

2) A good Father is firm but faithful. (1 John 1:9)

3) A good Father is a Shepherd. (Psalm 23:1-3)

The Lord lovingly fulfills these needs and so much more. How wonderful it is to serve a King who comes to us in the form of a perfect Father – a life-giver, protector, champion, and comforter.

Friend, I can tell you with full confidence that when your father on earth hurts you, there is a Greater Father who is near. God the Father does not abandon us, never forsakes us, and He created us to be with Him forever. “In love He predestined us for adoption to Himself as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of His will…” (Ephesians 1:5 ESV).

Before you were born, the Lord knew He wanted you by His side, so much so that He sent His Son to save us. He knew His Son was strong, and a Son that knows He is loved by His Father knows that His Father’s will is good, trustworthy, and perfect.

I pray that you feel empowered and loved by your Father in Heaven today. He loves you. He created you. He wants you. No one and nothing can take that love away.

About the Author

Alex Baker

Alex is a 25-year-old Enneagram 2 (which means she LOVES people!) and currently lives in sunny Tampa, FL. Her heartbeat is for underserved communities and feels God has blessed her to be able to advocate for others in the nonprofit world for a living, which has led her all around the world for her work. 
Alex believes in the power of a good Sabbath, so she finds joy in filling her soul with restful things - painting, reading, movies, and card games with family. She also finds great joy in deeply studying the Word and growing in knowledge.
If she could have a second go at life, she'd open a flower shop/coffee shop/bookstore combo (be on the lookout for that if writing doesn't work out). The way to her heart though is definitely through good, unique food and lots and lots of coffee.
You can find her on Instagram here and writing for Daughter of Delight here.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight