Daily Delight

The most painful times in my life have been times of change. Losses, broken plans, unfulfilled expectations - these are the things that have hurt the most.

Humans crave a certain level of consistency, don’t we? When we have something good, we want to hold onto it. We do not want our circumstances or dreams to change.

So, what happens when our plans become like waves that crash mercilessly into the shore? 

There is a Constant who wants to hold us above the water. Hebrews 13:8 says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (ESV). When the world is unsteady, He is our solid rock. He is the same God who spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai, the same God who made David king, and the same God who was with Esther in the throne room.

When our eyes are fixed on Jesus, we experience joy beyond our circumstances. This does not mean that life becomes easy, but that our hope is in an unchanging God.

James 1:2-3 says, “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness” (ESV). The reason we can count it all joy is this: when our joy is in the Lord, our joy is bigger than the inconsistencies of this world. 

Lord, help us to keep our eyes fixed on You. When storms enter our lives, help us to cling tightly to Your unchanging goodness and love.


About the Author

Laura D'Amico

Laura is a 23-year-old Canadian woman who is determined to ride God’s beautiful wave wherever it takes her.

Laura lives in Ottawa, Ontario, where she is pursuing her Master’s degree in Counselling & Spirituality. She feels called to serve by helping the voiceless to find voices, particularly in her work with youth experiencing homelessness. She is also passionate about music (especially leading worship), ministry with children & youth, writing, speaking, missions, travel, her loved ones, and probably drinking too much black coffee for her own good! She loves her Creator most of all.

You can find Laura at her blog The Way Everlasting (thewayeverlasting.blog), or on Instagram at @laura.lives.life.



Daily Delight


Daily Delight