Daily Delight

 Do you know why so many of us are going through life completely exhausted?It’s because we don’t wait for the Lord. Sometimes we get overwhelmed by the sheer number of responsibilities we have. More often, we get impatient because God does not seem to be moving fast enough on our behalf. As a result, we make the decision to do what we think needs to be done.When we try to take matters into our own hands, we selfishly ignore the truth that God is in control and we are not. Sister, there is nothing we can do to thwart what God has purposed. Taking Him out of the picture to try and make things happen how we believe they should results in nothing but exhaustion- because we have moved in our own strength instead of relying on the Father's.Isaiah 40:31 is both a promise and an instruction. We are guaranteed strength, but it requires us to wait on the Lord. We must resist the urge to solve our own problems. We must fight against our tendency to take control. We must yield our will to the will of God for our lives.When we choose to wait on the Lord, we ultimately submit to His way above ours and lean wholly on Him- believing that all things work together for the good of those who love Him.That being said, the next time you are tempted to do it all yourself, I challenge you to stop, drop, and hold. Stop what you are doing, drop what you are trying to control, and hold off on any action until you pray, spend time in God's Word and reorient yourself to the truth that Christ is to be preeminent in all things. (Colossians 1:18) Then, allow His strength to become your own and let Him be your guide- today, tomorrow and forever. 

About the Author

Diamond Lepre

Diamond is an avid writer and a spiritual mentor. After overcoming traumas like domestic violence and sexual assault, Diamond became an advocate for women pursuing mental and emotional healing. Her mentorship program, HEAL Quest Mentorship, was birthed out of her own journey with God towards wholeness.

When Diamond isn’t busy homeschooling her amazing 6-year old son or mentoring women, you can find her writing articles as a Staff Writer for Christian EnVogue Magazine, where she uses her talent of writing and spiritual gift of teaching to help women strengthen their walk with God and navigate everyday hardships they may face.

You can follow her on Instagram here or connect with her on her website and read her latest blog posts here.


Daily Delight


Daily Delight