Daily Delight

What situation are you facing right now that leaves you feeling completely powerless and gasping for air? Maybe it is a broken marriage on the verge of divorce or aging parents with declining health. Or maybe it is an expectation you have of others that simply is not being met.In situations like these, we often do everything in our power to grab onto some level of control, as we seek assurance and hope. In my own sinful nature, I find myself pushing up my sleeves and barreling down with every ounce of strength I have to try and “fix” a situation. And yet, this response goes directly against God’s request for child-like faith and trust.Dear friend, if you are finding yourself relying more on your own strength rather than God’s, then I invite you to spend some quiet time with God. I find journaling to be extremely effective in speaking to God as He helps me unravel my thoughts and emotions. It is during this quiet time that I am able to come to Him with an open and surrendering heart. This short amount of time is all I need to bring calm and peace to my once anxious and worried mind.If you too wish to unravel your own worries, try journaling around this question, “What situation am I facing today that needs to be turned over to God?” As you end your journaling time and prepare for the day ahead, quietly talk to God through this simple prayer: “God, I courageously turn [insert your situation] over to you. Even though I don’t fully understand how this situation will turn out, I trust you.” Let this prayer of surrender carry you throughout your day, letting your worries find an unexplainable peace and calm that only God can provide.{photo: @brittneyborowski

About the Author

Angie Nippert

Angie is a 40-something-year-old who is passionately pursuing a second calling where she speaks, writes, and coaches women on simplifying, nourishing, and rejuvenating their weary and exhausted soul, with biblical truth as the foundation.This passion and calling comes from a place of “been there, done that.” For over a decade, Angie lived exhausted and stressed as a result of living life off-balance. With God’s grace and Angie’s obedience to keeping God and His truths in the center of her life, she is now thriving.Angie lives in Minn-snow-ta with her husband of fifteen years and her three beautiful children.In her spare time, Angie enjoys dating her husband, decorating, spending her summer’s “Up North,” and being present and engaged with her always growing children.You can find her website here, Instagram here and Facebook here.


Daily Delight


Daily Delight